Dressing well is a much more important part of life than many men believe.

While it may be easy to slap on a pair of pants and a t-shirt without much thought, dressing well can profoundly impact the way you experience the world and yourself.

Being in a well-fitting, well-put-together outfit makes you feel good about yourself. It makes you feel confident and eager to be seen.

That confidence not only feels good, but it can help you act more confidently as well. You may feel more eager to interact with people, meaning you create new friendships and opportunities in your life.

You may also find that dressing well opens doors for you that would have otherwise been shut. Legitimate or not, people make snap judgements about a person based on their appearance.

While you may be a completely competent, capable, responsible man, if you’re dressed carelessly, people may get the impression that you are lazy or careless.

By contrast, having a sharp-looking outfit on sends the message that you are well-coordinated and know what you’re doing.

This can seriously impact your professional and social relations alike.

If you’ve never paid much attention to your clothes, it might feel overwhelming to make the transition. It doesn’t have to be though. Here are 3 easy ways to improve the way you dress.

1: Find Your Fit

May men make a grievous dressing mistake. They focus entirely on the designs of their clothes and pay absolutely no mind to the way they fit.

Fit is often far more important than the color or design of your clothing. Having clothes that properly compliment your body is an easy way to dress well without needing to put together crazy elaborate outfits.

A great place to start is with basic tee shirts. Try on a number of different brands. Notice how each hugs your arms, the length of each, and overall how each brand makes you feel about your body.

Once you’ve found the right fit, use that tee shirt as a guide for all your future purchases.

The same can be done with jeans. Try on a variety of fits and find the one that best compliments your figure.

Having well-fitting clothes will make you look stylish without you having to put much thought into it on the day-to-day.

2: Establish a Uniform

Busy men don’t want to think about what they’re going to wear each and every day.

Industry leaders like Steve Jobs are infamous for wearing the same simple, clean outfit almost all the time. This keeps them from wasting energy on unnecessary decisions while keeping them looking their best.

Take a play out of their playbooks by doing the same. Establish a single, clean, elegant outfit and buy multiples of each component. From there, you’ll always know what to wear to look good without having to put any thought into it.

It’s better to look good every day than to look different every day.

3: Add a Signature

If you’ve mastered the 2 items above and want to add a bit more flair to your dress, the next step is to add a small signature detail.

This can be anything from a unique tie to a signet ring or necklace. Pick a subtle but interesting accent piece that you can wear with almost anything.

This will make your look feel more personal and help put a finishing touch on your outfits, all without adding any extra effort to your daily routine.


Dressing well doesn’t have to be complex. All it takes is a little know-how and planning and you can effortlessly up your style game.

Find the right fits for your body, buy multiples of your basic uniform, and, if you’re feeling flashy, add a small accent to your outfits.

This will keep you looking great without any extra strain on your busy days.
