Regardless whether you are new in your current location or just looking forward to enacting some change, a lot is in play when you set out to look for the best doctor for your family in Singapore. You cannot put a price on a long-term relationship with a doctor that you put your trust in and grow with, which makes this a vital task; you need to make the correct choice. The choice is yours, enabling you to turn down or part ways with a doctor if you feel you are not receiving the best services.
It would be best if you chose a family GP in Singapore who has a medical team that is well-equipped to take care of newborns, children, infants, teens, and adults, and the team should consist of both male and female doctors to create an environment where each of your family members feels comfortable.
Your family doctor of choice should be able to create time for you any time of the week should you urgently need their services. Depending on your family members’ gender, age, and health history, your doctor should schedule frequent health screenings, ranging from services for adults, teenagers, and children.
Women’s Health
Pay higher preference to those doctors who are capable of taking good care of the health needs of women in your family, irrespective of their age and needs. Singaporean women need a safe space that is ethically run and imparts confidence in women on broad categories, ranging from pregnant women, those seeking family planning, women who want to conceive, women at the onset of menopause, and new mothers. It would help if you chose a clinic that can tailor the services to your needs. The clinic should provide regular check-ups to identify any issues going on in a woman’s body and identify any future concerns by centering on general wellbeing and body care.
It might be difficult at times to run through your schedule and create a time to see your doctor due to health restrictions, being held up by children at home, having a tight work schedule, travel or quarantine restrictions, which is why the clinics that provide teleconsultation will be an added advantage to you. These will help you to avoid inconveniences, as you can communicate with your doctor via a computer, a tablet, or a mobile phone. You will be able to check in with the same doctor you are used to, at the same time, and receive the exact quality of care you get at the clinic.
Personal connection
Every patient is unique, so you should go for a clinic that can tailor its medical approach to your specific needs, an institution that is patient-centric. The best clinic is the one that listens to you, as this helps in drawing a better treatment strategy, mostly for those with mental health issues. It would be best if you had a family GP in Singapore who is empathetic to your situation, one who is open and honest with you.
It would help if you always opted for the doctor near your home or workplace, as this makes it easy for you to visit them as much as you like, be it after work, or after school, for your children.
Local experience
It would be best to go for a doctor who has had a ton of experience in Singapore and has a vast network of trustworthy referrals and specialists at the local, national, and even international levels.
Language skills
Your GP is your number one contact when family health needs arise, and you need to express your state to them in a more understandable way. It is, therefore, better if you choose a general practitioner who is well versed with your native language to aid a better communication channel between you. The best doctors have been known to possess various language skills, which makes them a vital asset for your family. Your children need to be able to express the subtleties of their conditions in languages they feel most comfortable with.