Vegetables are a healthy choice for your diet, but not all are created equal when it comes to their nutritional value. They also vary greatly in their preparation methods and how much effort they require from you, from battering and frying them to drenching them in sauce and marinades. So whether you’re looking for something quick and easy for dinner or something that can be prepared ahead of time so that you don’t end up with leftovers, check out these ideas for some easy, delicious grilled vegetable side dishes.

Summer Squash

Summer squash is usually a bit heavier in flavor and a little sweeter than the winter squash. Although you can use it in many of the same ways as winter squash, it has a stronger taste and is often served raw. If you are looking for a lighter side dish, this is a great choice. It can easily be served as a side dish by itself or combined with other vegetables and seasoned rice or quinoa. Summer squash can be cooked, grilled or steamed. When it is in season, summer squash is available in various colors, including yellow and green. Summer squash varies in flavor depending on the variety, so try them all to find your favorite.


Potatoes are a great vegetable for the whole family. Potatoes are filling and nutritious and can be eaten alone or mashed with other vegetables. They are a great source of potassium and a low-calorie food. Potatoes are available all year round, but are typically at their best during the summer and fall. Potatoes come in a variety of colors, shapes, and sizes. The various varieties can be used interchangeably when preparing meals. Potatoes are nutritious and rich in starch, which makes them perfect for side dishes. Potatoes are available in different colors, shapes, and sizes. Potatoes are nutritious and rich in starch, making them a perfect side dish. Learn how to make grilled baked potatoes. Potatoes can be served as a hot side dish or cold as a salad ingredient.

Starchy Vegetables

Starchy vegetables are a great choice if you are looking for a quick side dish. These vegetables are a great source of carbohydrates and are often combined with other vegetables to make a casserole dish. Starchy vegetables are typically served with meat or paired with a starch such as mashed potatoes, cornbread, or rice. Starchy vegetables can be eaten on their own or mixed with other ingredients such as spices, meats, or cheeses to create a new dish. Many varieties of starchy vegetables are available, including cauliflower, carrots, corn, potatoes, and parsnips. Potatoes are a great choice for a quick side dish. They are high in starch and have a great deal of nutritional value. Potatoes come in a variety of colors, shapes, and sizes. Potatoes are nutritious and rich in starch, making them a perfect side dish. Potatoes can be served as a hot side dish or cold as a salad ingredient.


Greens are one of the healthiest vegetables that you can eat. They are low in calories, contain various vitamins and minerals, and are rich in chlorophyll, which can help improve your eyesight. Green vegetables are low in fat, so they are a good option for people trying to reduce their calorie intake and lose weight. They can be eaten on their own or combined with other ingredients to create a new dish. There are many different types of greens to choose from, each with their own unique flavour and texture. They are available all year round and can be served warm or chilled. Greens can be eaten as a side dish or combined with grains or meats to create a full meal. Greens are a great way to get your daily serving of vegetables, and they are often free of preservatives and are low in calories as well. They are also rich in vitamins and minerals, making them a great option for people trying to maintain their health.

Other Vegetable Side Dishes

Collard Greens. These greens are great for people who like the taste of mustard and are usually served warm. Collard greens are a great source of vitamins A and C and are very filling. These greens are great for people who like the taste of mustard and are usually served warm. Collard greens are a great source of vitamins A and C and are very filling. Cucumbers are a great source of water and have very few calories. They are often served with a sweet sauce or seasoned with salt. – Cucumbers are a great source of water and have very few calories. They are often served with a sweet sauce or seasoned with salt.