
Print payroll checks in QuickBooks Online has a lot of advantages, not just the obvious one of printing money. When you print payroll checks in QuickBooks Online, the software not only prints out the check, but it also calculates paystubs and with holdings for you. You can even select a payment date and time so that your checks will be mailed immediately.

Benefits of payroll check printing

First, let’s consider the time cost of printing payroll checks. At a minimum, you will need to wait for the check to clear (usually takes about two days), get the check printed, and then send it to your payroll service provider. Each step can take up valuable business time. Printing payroll checks in Quickbooks can save you all of that time by letting you do the printing from your Quickbooks account.

Another benefit is that you can avoid mistakes. If you print out your payroll checks manually, there is a risk that you will make mistakes when filling out the forms. By printing your checks with this software, you eliminate this risk.

Printing payroll checks also has other benefits. For example, you can print paychecks for multiple employees at once, which can save time and money. Additionally, if you have employees who receive different paychecks based on their location or type of work, printing is quick to easy with this new software.

What is the payroll check print process in QuickBooks Online?

QuickBooks Online allows users to print payroll checks easily by following these steps:

1. Open the Payroll Checks screen in QuickBooks Online. 

2. Click the Print button next to the check you want to print. 

3. In the Printer Options dialog box, click the Select a printer link. 

4. In the Select Printer dialog box, select the printer you want to use from the list. 

5. Click OK to save your changes and print your check.

How do I print a payroll check in QuickBooks Online?

If you need to print a payroll check in QuickBooks Online, follow these steps:

1. In QuickBooks Online, open the Payroll tab.

2. On the Payroll tab, click Print Checks.

3. On the Print Checks dialog box, click Select Printer. 

4. On the Select Printer dialog box, select your printer from the list. 

5. On the Check Printing Options dialog box, select how you want to print your checks: As is (the checks will print as they are), With Reminders (the checks will print with prompts to remit them), or With Comments (notes about the check printing will be included with the check). 

6. Click OK. 

7. Click Print Checks to print your checks.

What are the possible exceptions to printing a payroll check via QuickBooks online?

There are a few exceptions. If you are paying employees with direct deposit, you will not be able to print payroll checks. Additionally, if your company has its own payroll system, you may not be able to print payroll checks through QuickBooks.  

What are some other methods for printing a payroll check?

There are a few other methods for printing payroll checks in QuickBooks Online. 

You can print a payroll check by following these steps: 

1. Open QuickBooks Online and open your payroll account.

2. Click the Payroll Checks button on the Home page.

3. On the Payroll Checks screen, select the check type you want to print. 

4. Select the check number or id number from the list below the Print button. 

5. Under Printing Options, choose how you want to print your paycheck: By Check Number or Id Number. 

6. Click Print to start printing your check.


Payroll season is finally here! If you’re like most business owners, you’re probably wondering how to print payroll checks in QuickBooks Online. Hopefully, this guide will help make printing payroll checks a breeze for you this year.