After the pandemic, companies needed a new work culture that would help sustain their business. This is where they come up with the ‘Work From Home’ working culture.
With more people working during the pandemic, they are spending more time on their computers. In addition, they use smartphones, watch TV and play games on their tablet. As a result, more and more people are experiencing digital eye strain.
While the eye strain itself does not have any long-term effects, the continuous and shorter wavelength of high energy coming from the screen could damage the retina. The eye muscles are often unable to recoup or decompress as a result of the persistent strain required to maintain concentration on a laptop or other nearby objects. if you lose your eyesight, there’s nothing you can do to get it back. That’s why it’s so important to take the time to protect them properly. Hence, it is important to seek medical attention. Eye professionals can detect wounds and vision disorders as well as eye illnesses and faults through comprehensive eye inspections. In addition to color vision, routine inspections can spot early signs of obesity, elevated blood pressure, tumors, and other psychiatric conditions. The eye specialist at Drdorioeyecare will diagnose and treat your eyesight problems with personalized eye solutions based on your individual needs.
If you are facing issues with your eyes, contact an ophthalmology clinic in Dubai, Today!
Symptoms Eye Strain
Eye strain is basically tired eyes. When you continuously watch something, your eyes become tired. Recently we have seen a spike in people suffering from eye strain. You can identify strained eyes by the following symptoms.
- Dry eyes.
- Watery eyes.
- Headaches.
- Sensitivity to light.
- Itchy eyes.
- Blurred vision.
- Burning eyes.
Tips To Take Care Of Your Eyes During Remote Work
We are relying too much on our computers and smartphones to help us get through these difficult times. However, constant exposure to the computer screen has exposed us to Computer Vision Syndrome (CVS).
We have talked about the symptoms. If you find the symptoms common with your eye problem, we recommend using the following tips to reduce the strain on your eyes.
1. Reduce Glare
Adjust the glare of the screen according to your need. If you find that you’re having a hard time seeing and understanding the letter written on the screen, the chances are that the screen contrast is high. Reduce the contrast. If you cannot reduce the glare, buy a glare filter.
2. Adjust Viewing Angle
The angle of the screenplays a key role in CVS. Place the screen almost 30 inches away from your eyes and 5 inches below your eye to obtain the best angle.
3. Use The 20-20-20 Rule
Follow the 20-20-20 rule all the time while you are working on a computer. This takes away strain from your eyes significantly. The 20 minutes rules state that after every 20 minutes, look at something 20 meters away for 20 seconds. This will give your eyes enough time to refocus.
4. Blink Often
There is a reason why we blink. It not only clears your vision but also allows your eyes to reduce strain. A normal person blinks almost 18 times a minute, but you would be surprised to know that a computer user blinks only one-fourth of that count. This results in dry eyes. To avoid dry eyes, constantly remind yourself to blink frequently.
5. Reduce Your Screen Time
We understand that the new digital world demands screen time the moment you open your eyes. Therefore, you must check your screen time. Spending more time with the screen keeps your brain active for a longer period.
Spending time on your smartphone before going to bed inhibits your sleep. So start with restricting yourself from using a smartphone before going to sleep.
Prevent Eye Strain While Working On Your Computer
While working on a computer screen, ensure that you take all necessary measures to avoid any eye strain.
- Place your computer screen almost 30 inches away from your eye. Keep the scream level below your eye to avoid strain just from looking at the screen.
- If you are using a document, use a document holder placed close to the computer screen. Ensure that you have minimal head movement.
- Change your lighting to lower glare and hard reflection.
- Use an adjustable chair.
- Choose a screen that can be easily adjustable according to your needs.
Take A Break
Taking breaks while working on the computer is important. Use the 20-20-20 rule we have mentioned above, or simply stop your work, take a quick walk to other rooms and then start with your work again.
Furthermore, reduce your screen use. While you spend most of your time watching the screen, reduce your screen time on your smartphones, tablets, and television.