Learn more regarding what you need to know about the Pingora Loan Servicing Scam and the steps that were taken by Pingora to safeguard the personal customer’s information.

Have you come across any fraudulent stories related to mortgage industry? Pingora Asset Management LLC is mostly associated with mortgages within the United States. Pingora is managed by expert industry veterans with more than 60 years of experience in the management of assets and mortgages.

Pingora has been involved with the acquisition the rights to mortgage service. it requires client details to create legal documents. Thus, Pingora also aimed at keeping in line with legal requirements. We will look at more information below on Pingora’s Loan Servicing Scam.


Pingora was not able to safeguard client information recently. Pingora discovered an incident in the security field in the month of December 2021. Pingora stated that its customers’ data was accessed by an unidentified individual who was not related to Pingora.

The precise date of the breach is not clear because Pingora stated that the customer’s information may have been compromised between the 27th October 2021 and the 7th of December 2021. Notice letters concerning the information leak to customers were written by Ron Bendalin, a Chief Compliance Officer at Pingora Loan Servicing, LLC and distributed to customers.

More About Pingora Loan Servicing Llc note:

The notice letter stated that the person who was not authorized could have gained access to personal information including name address, SSN, as well as financial information regarding loan number as well as loan modification and the details of loan servicing.

The letter advised that Pingora offers services from an identity monitoring company of a third party called Kroll at no cost in the coming two years. The letter requested customers to enroll themself by visiting https://enroll.krollmonitoring.com within a given time frame.

Kroll offers triple bureau credit monitoring where customers will receive an alert through Equifax, Experian, and TransUnion in the event of any changes in credit information that affect customers. Who is Pingora Credit Servicing.

Kroll offers unrestricted consultations with their fraud expert in all matters that concerns monitoring your identity. Kroll also provides the assistance of a licensed investigator in cases that there is a case of theft.

If you notice any unauthorised transactions on your credit records You must inform the Attorney General’s Office, Federal Trade Commission, local law enforcement officials and then file a police report. The report from the police must be given to your creditors in order to rectify the information.

It is important to think about the possibility of a credit freeze. Any unauthorised attempt to access your credit card due to Pingora Loan Servicing Information Breach Scam obliges financial institutions to verify your credit information. A credit freeze will stop any such attack.

Also, you should consider the possibility of activating a fraud alert which informs your creditors that you might be the person who has been the victim of fraud. A fraud alert that is initiated will be at the top of your credit reports for a year.


It must be recognized that an unauthorised individual obtained customer data between the 27th October 2021 to the 7th of December in 2021. We recommend that to review any credit information activities in Equifax, Experian, and TransUnion at that the time. It is possible to get one credit data free review from each of these agencies every 12 months.
