Do you know the gum-like gooey substance that our mothers gave us during the summers, also known as Gond Katira, immensely benefits us? Well, little did we know about the multiple benefits that we can get out of this substance till we referred to our traditional books. Gond Katira is extracted from the sap of the Astragalus gummifer plant. This versatile ingredient has been recognized throughout the world for its unique properties. Let us know more about this ingredient and how we can extract multiple benefits.

What is Gond Katira?

Gond Katria is recognized as a tasteless, water-soluble, and odorless mixture. It is a plant-based extract that is dried to form flakes and ribbons. It is often added to energy drinks and ice creams to boost the same’s nutritional properties. It has been scientifically proven that Gond Katira is infused with cooling properties that are very beneficial during the summer. There are several advantages of this ingredient. Here are some of them provided for you.

Benefits of Gond Katira

We can surely bet that once you are conversant with Gond Katira benefits, you will never think of avoiding it. Let us find some of them.

  • Improves Digestion

Consuming Gond Katira is very helpful in improving digestion in the long run. It helps to reduce inflammation in the gut. Gond is very rich in fiber, and fiber helps to prevent indigestion and constipation. Drinking it empty stomach gives the maximum amount of benefits.

  • Boosts metabolism

Metabolism is the body’s mechanism to convert energy from the food we consume. A better metabolism is always responsible for keeping the energy levels high in the body. Gond Katira benefits your metabolism and allows the body to generate high energy levels. It assists in weight management as well.

  • Improves Skin

Gond Katira is the best for improving skin. It purifies the toxins from the blood and promises crystal-clear skin free of acne and blemishes. It also helps to lighten the skin tone if consumed regularly. Usually, exposure to sunlight in summer burns the skin, but with the cooling properties of Gond Katira, it is possible to heal them quickly.

  • Relieves respiratory problems

With the increasing levels of air pollution, respiratory problems are becoming widespread. People suffer from breathlessness, cough, sinus, and asthma. Gond Katira helps to heal sore throats and reduce inflammation in the respiratory tract. Consuming Gond Katira with honey works wonders to cure respiratory problems.

  • Relaxes mind

People have been spending a lot on therapies to improve their cognitive abilities. But your mind will not be understanding until it is calm and relaxed. Gond Katira helps to relax your mind by balancing your hormones. It promotes mental well-being by curing depression and enhancing cheerfulness in the mood.

If you are willing to multiply the effects of gond katira, then you can consume Medha Vati along with it. It is an Ayurvedic herb that increases your concentration and memorizing power. While Gond Katira helps to relax your mind, Medha Vati helps to strengthen the core powers of the mind.

  • It helps to fight heat strokes

Heat strokes are prevalent during the summer. Gond Katira is a popular ingredient during the summer. It helps to cool the body and lower the temperature of the body.


Gond Katira is the best ingredient with promising benefits. The best thing about this is that it is readily available and one does not need to spend much money on them. This is going to help people of every age group to a great extent. So, what are you waiting for? Get your Gond Katira drink now.