The daily lives of millions of companies over the last few years have been strongly influenced by the impact of digitization and the advent of new media, which have brought with them a substantial streamlining of procedures and a broadening of operational and strategic horizons, thus propelling the company into a new phase of its existence. 

Companies, for some time now, have been much more aware of their role, of their responsibility towards their customers, but also of the need to set a completely different tone in their daily strategies in terms of communication, sales, even customer service. The biggest challenge for all companies is to adapt to the changing nature of modern consumers and their expectations, which look completely different from only fifteen or twenty years ago. 

The most evident change, in a certain sense, is the one that can be seen in the relationship between the brand and the consumer, which in just a few years has gone from a detached, cold, almost mechanical relationship, to a real relationship based above all on mutual trust, on the sharing of certain core values

New approaches 

From the point of view of communication, this new approach to customers has given rise to what is known as ‘human-centerd communication’, i.e. a completely innovative kind of communication that places people, their feelings and daily challenges at the center of its content, in the conviction that the brand, through its products and services (but also through continuous assistance) can bring real solutions to people’s problems. 

At the center of most brands’ operational and communication strategies nowadays are not only the business optimization, but people, who in recent years have become even more important than the products themselves. On social media, some of the content that generates the most engagement, the most likes and shares, is precisely that whose protagonists are people, including employees or even company CEOs, not forgetting of course consumers and their very personal testimonies regarding the use of a given product.

Some brands, in an attempt to engage more and more actively with their followers and potential customers, especially on social media, have started to ask them to collaborate personally in the conceptual elaboration of new products or services, thus giving rise to a completely innovative way of conceiving work. 

Nowadays, without even realizing it, some of the products we use on a daily basis are the result of an active collaboration between the company and the consumer, almost always carried out thanks to social media, and which with the advent of the metaverse will surely reach new stages of evolution. 

A mental leap 

With this in mind, some companies might also begin to reconsider the way they approach return of investment, also known as ROI, which nowadays represents one of the most important metrics for assessing the goodness and effectiveness of a communication plan or any operational strategy undertaken by the brand. 

ROI could also be conceived from the customer’s point of view, i.e. measuring the real benefits that will accrue to customers after they have spent time in the company’s virtual spaces, thus investing some of their free time. By asking themselves this question, brands will have the precious opportunity to improve the fluidity of navigation of their virtual spaces and the different user experiences offered to the public, with the aim of maximizing the concrete benefits and advantages enjoyed by visitors. 

What is needed, in essence, is the completion of a mental leap that leads companies to think differently, from the consumer’s point of view, thus reaching an even deeper level of intimacy with their users and potential customers.

Brands specializing in online gambling have also developed such a strategy, especially within their online portals dedicated to different gaming experiences. To make the user experience of their portal even simpler, more pleasant and more immediate, these brands have turned it into a powerful platform offering endless entertainment possibilities, including online casinos with real money and free slots, thus offering a wide range of entertainment for all tastes. 

On these sites, navigation is so smooth and pleasant that the visitor would never want to leave them, continuing to explore the endless gaming experiences offered by the site and choosing those best suited to his or her taste, for his or her specific needs. Each game proposed by the site has been carefully selected by a careful team of experts, composed solely of professionals in the sector, and is therefore a guarantee of absolute security. 

When it manages to immerse itself ever more deeply into the universe of its consumers, familiarizing itself also with their point of view, the company will finally have found the key to success.
