Dipankar Mandal and Colon Mukhopadhyay: Coronor was canceled by the secondary (madhyamik). The board also indicated the alternative route to the assessment of the study. In order to estimate the number of studies in ninth grade, they will be uploaded to specific websites. In case of absolute or opacity in this work, legal proceedings will be initiated against the schools. The secondary education council warned Saturday.
On Friday, a reporters conference announced the approval of the secondary examination of the secondary examination. Schools were asked to send the number of students from high school to ninth grade high school classes on June 24. The secondary assessment will be published by five times the number of issues received in ninth grade and five times the number of formative assessment (10) in grade 10 will be published. So, HTTPS://www.wbbsedata.com created a website called Secondary Education Board. Here, school leaders can work on the website with their own information.
Council schools will upload the number of secondary ninth grade classes of high school students from 11 a.m. to June 21 to June 21. During this data download, students were asked to verify the number of students received based on name and registration number. The number is responsible for being careful while downloading. Schools should also be prepared to register the restoration.
The board said there was no opacity on the number of submissions on the website with the registry number. He is also informed of the register number which is not modified. But it can cause problems to submit the number in a short period of time, so the teacher asked to grow up during the teacher. School leaders believe teachers and educators will create problems due to the lockdown and closure of schools.
On the other hand, the Parliament of Upper Secondary Education issued notifications of this day and sent the number of XI on June 23. The schools will come to the regional office of the Parliament and will come with the number of elevenths. According to the rules, the number of annual Class XI tests is submitted well in advance. Parliament had already announced that the number of XI would be tabled between March 12 and March 21. But on that day, the list of nearly two thousand schools was published. These schools did not submit a hard copy list of numbers. After March, the submission of the registration form to parliament, submitted the number of projects, practice test numbers. His scrutiny has also been. After all the stages, the parliament was asked why the parliament was silent.
The Secretary of State for Teacher Training, Secretary of State for Unity, said: “Schools that have already filed their number and those that have not yet filed the student charter will not be evaluated. . “