Most of our relationships with food tend to be complicated. We all have vices that we try to steer away from, as well as feelings of guilt when we let ourselves go a little. 

But for quite a large number of people, their relationship with food marks out their whole life course. We’re talking about those suffering from any one of the many different types of eating disorders. Although normally rearing its head during adolescence, the effects are long-lasting and are indiscriminate of someone’s race, age, or social status.  

So what is the best way of combating them and assisting those who may be going through this?

Knowledge and understanding are proven clear keys to reaching this goal. Therefore we have put together a brief rundown of the three most common to help you better understand their differences and how they work. 

Anorexia Nervosa

Perhaps the most well-known among the different types of eating disorders, anorexia is characterized by severe weight loss and a fear of gaining weight. This usually happens over time therefore it is often difficult to spot. 

People with anorexia also have a distorted body image, preoccupied with becoming fat and doing anything in their power to prevent this from happening. This is even though in most cases they are underweight for their age, height, or size.

This worry can manifest in excessive calorie restriction and purging through vomiting and the use of laxatives. They can also exercise excessively to keep their weight off. In some cases, people with anorexia may binge on different types of food they wouldn’t usually eat, resulting in them purging later. 

Anorexia is a condition to be taken seriously as it can lead to grave health risks and even death. 

Bulimia Nervosa

Bulimia is another one of the more common types of eating disorders that many are facing. Much like anorexia, those with this condition obsess over weight and don’t have a realistic body image.

One of the biggest differences between the two is that bulimia is characterized by excessive overeating and purging afterward, whereas this is just one of the telltale signs of anorexia. This can lead to serious health problems down the line, such as dental problems, bleeding in the esophagus, and irregular heart patterns. Also, those with bulimia can be normal weight, making it even harder to spot.

Due to the shame connected to eating many sufferers will binge and hide the evidence. It is also common for them to find excuses to not eat with others.  

Binge Eating Disorder

As noted from its name, a binge eating disorder is when someone’s eating habits are out of control, and they go through large binge periods. After a binge episode, however, sufferers feel intense feelings of shame and guilt.

It is very common among adolescents as this is usually the age that it begins to show itself.   

As those with binge eating disorder don’t use methods like purging they tend to be overweight. They may hoard food and also eat in secret, so be on the lookout for empty wrappers or large amounts of food gone in a short period.

Another sign is a continual preoccupation with dieting, however, due to their habits, they rarely lose weight. 

If you know anyone with this, or the other conditions discussed, please check out these eating disorder recovery tips designed to help mental and physical health and forward it to those you think need them. 

Getting Familiar With the Types of Eating Disorders

Eating disorders are a serious challenge for those who have them as well as their loved ones. For that reason, it pays to know about the different types of eating disorders. 

We hope you enjoyed our informative breakdown. If you did then be sure to check out the other great health-related content on our site!