Yesterday’s entrepreneur, when he needed a new product or a new service, probed his own network of acquaintances and relied on the advice of acquaintances, friends, collaborators, etc. Global competition has changed things and therefore today’s entrepreneur, in addition to following the first path, must ensure that the product or service proposed is of quality and at advantageous prices compared to the market. To make this assessment, a small survey on the Internet is therefore necessary to look for other possible suppliers and to make a comparison with those identified through word of mouth.

When looking for software product development services, it is important to use the right search terms. Specifically, if you were looking for a company that creates customized software, you should look for something like: “Software House” or “Customized Software“.

And if we want to find a software development company that is close to us since direct contact is expected, it is good to add the place in the search terms.

In the case of software development services, proximity is only a plus, but it doesn’t have to be a requirement. Fortunately, software development is an activity that by its nature can be carried out remotely and remotely. So when choosing a company to entrust with the development of a new software, it is good to evaluate other characteristics first.

Let’s see below what types of software houses exist and the possible aspects to be evaluated in the choice.

What is a software development company?

A software development company is a company that deals with producing software based on customer needs. 

How to choose a software development company?

Once you understand how to find companies of interest on the internet, let’s now see how an entrepreneur should choose who to entrust with the realization of his project.


The first thing to look for is the experience of the software house in similar projects. If a software house specializes in the creation of customized management software, it will hardly be suitable for creating CAD software. The two sectors are very different and require different technical skills. If you need help contact a professional at

One way to understand if a company has experience in a particular sector is to check the Portfolio or Case History section of the company. In this case it is important to understand what types of projects the company has already undertaken and to see at least the screenshots of the software products. These two simple things can help you understand:

– the type of experience of the company and the sectors in which it operates and has experience;

– the type of interfaces created, their ease of use and aesthetic clarity;

– the size and complexity of the projects dealt with;

– understand how developed software could turn out. To this end, it may also be useful to view videos to understand the ease of interaction of the interfaces;

Competence and Qualified Personnel

Software development is an activity that requires a high degree of competence and specialization. This is why it is important to understand who will follow the stages of software production. The most suitable figure is a person with experience in software development and who has conducted studies in this regard such as a Computer Engineer. Generally it is good to be wary of those who, despite not having computer skills, improvise a software programmer.

Communication and Transparency

To request the development of a customized software, an interaction phase between the client and the supplier is necessary in which the former communicates and expresses his needs. A communication problem in this initial phase could lead to unpleasant results at the end of the software development (misunderstandings, different functionalities than expected, etc.). For this reason, it is not enough to find a competent company, but it is also essential to choose communicative people.

Evaluating a company from this point of view is very easy, for example you can start by looking at the website. Are the services offered clear, are there prices? is there transparency? Another thing that can be evaluated is the presence of a company blog: what is it about? Is the communication clear or are the texts full of acronyms without any explanation?

At the end of this overview it should therefore be clear how to find a company to entrust with software development.