If your pet has a cough that doesn’t go away, it may have bronchitis. The condition is common in pets such as dogs, cats, and even ferrets. Bronchitis is an inflammation of the airways that causes coughing and wheezing.

It’s more common in cold weather because viruses and bacteria in the environment trigger it. Coughing is one of the body’s natural defenses against these invasive particles; when it happens too much or for too long, it can become problematic and even life-threatening if left untreated!

What Is Bronchitis in Pets?

Bronchitis is when the bronchi, or airways that bring air into the lungs, become inflamed. This can cause swelling and irritation of the bronchial tubes. The most common bronchitis symptoms are coughing, wheezing, and labored breathing.

Pets with lung disease or an immune system weakened by other conditions may be more susceptible to bronchitis than healthy pets.

Suppose your pet has mild-to-moderate symptoms of bronchitis like coughing but no fever. In that case, you probably won’t need to take him to the vet unless he’s already being treated for another condition like kennel cough or allergies.

You may be able to treat him at home with medications prescribed by your veterinarian. The most commonly prescribed medicine for infection is Cephalexin for dogs and cats. It is an effective antibiotic for treating various infections, including respiratory infections like bronchitis.

It is safe to use, and in addition to treating bronchitis, it is also effective for typical bone, joint, dermal, staph, urinary, and deep skin infections. It is, however, advised to check with your vet first.

Symptoms of Bronchitis

When it comes to bronchitis in pets, there are several symptoms that you should look for. These include:

  • Coughing. This can vary in intensity and frequency, but it is usually your pet’s most apparent sign of bronchitis.
  • Fever. Your pet may have a slight fever if they have contracted this health issue, and it’s not uncommon for this symptom to appear before others.
  • Trouble breathing. Suppose your pet has trouble breathing when awake or asleep or both. In that case, this could indicate that they have bronchitis. However, some other conditions might also cause this symptom, so always check with your vet if you notice anything unusual regarding their breathing patterns!
  • Loss of appetite/lethargy/drooling/lack of energy or weight loss is often caused by having less energy due to being sick and can be prevented by basic exercise like walking.

Causes of Bronchitis

When your pet suffers from bronchitis, it’s usually because of bacterial or viral infections. Bacterial infection is the most common cause of pet bronchitis. It can be bacterial or fungal and often occurs due to an existing health condition.

Viral infection is inflammation caused by viruses such as the feline herpes virus (FHV). FHV will cause mucus production and inflammation in cats’ lungs, leading to coughing and difficulty breathing at higher altitudes or colder temperatures.

FHV can lead to pneumonia or other complications like fever or weight loss if left untreated. The reason for such a worsening condition can be reduced appetite. Reduced appetite results from fatigue from lack of sleep due to painful breathing problems.

How Is Bronchitis Diagnosed?

Bronchitis in pets is a common condition that can be caused by various factors, including infections, allergies, and environmental triggers. The disease develops when the bronchi, the airways in the lungs, become inflamed and irritated.

A veterinarian will typically diagnose bronchitis in pets based on their physical examination findings and any other information you provide regarding your pet’s symptoms. They may also perform further diagnostic tests such as X-rays or blood tests to determine whether there are any underlying causes for your pet’s symptoms.

If your pet has been diagnosed with bronchitis by your veterinarian, they will recommend treatment options based on their individual needs and situation.

How to Prevent Bronchitis in Pets?

Bronchitis is a common infection that bacteria, viruses, or fungi can cause. It’s characterized by bronchi inflammation, the tubes that carry air to your lungs. Luckily, there are ways you can prevent bronchitis in dogs and other pets! Here are our top tips:

  • Keep your pet away from other animals diagnosed with the disease. This is especially important if it’s an airborne illness like kennel cough.
  • Keep your pet away from smoky environments like bars or restaurants where people smoke cigarettes or marijuana.
  • Wash their paws after they go outside so they don’t track dirt into the house on their feet; this can lead to secondary infections.
  • Keep your pet indoors during cold weather when they’re most likely to develop bronchitis symptoms; this will lower their risk of exposure to airborne irritants such as pollution particles or allergens like dust mites that might trigger an attack.
  • Ensure they have fresh water so they don’t get dehydrated indoors during winter storms where snow covers everything but roads remain clear.

Treating Bronchitis in Pets

Oral medications are usually recommended if your pet has severe bronchitis. Your veterinarian may prescribe these to treat the condition and prevent its recurrence. Your vet may also recommend a course of antibiotics like the one mentioned earlier to help break up any existing lung and respiratory infections.

In addition to medication, there are some things that you can do at home that may help reduce or prevent future flare-ups in some cases. Switching their diet may help reduce coughing spells or loosen congestion so it can be coughed up more quickly.

If you smoke, it is best to avoid smoking around your furry pals; this is unhealthy for you, and secondhand smoke can have adverse effects on their health if inhaled.

There are many different natural remedies for treating canine coughs and colds. Still, because these situations are highly variable from one animal to another (and even within one animal), no single remedy works best for every case, so talk with your vet before trying any new methods.


In conclusion, bronchitis in pets is widespread and can be treated with antibiotics. Pets with less than acute symptoms can be treated at home more efficiently. Suppose you believe the condition is severe in your pet or is because of other diseases. In that case, you must make an appointment with your local veterinarian, so they can diagnose the problem and prescribe appropriate treatment options.
