It’s no surprise that sexual harassment in the workplace was happening long before the “#MeToo” or “#TimesUp” movements. In 1998, the United States Supreme Court ruled in two instances that an employer can be held liable for sexual harassment claims brought by an employee if the company did not take reasonable steps to prevent the harassment. Following the court’s decision, it became common practice to provide mandatory sexual harassment training to employees.

The costs of sexual harassment and discrimination in the workplace are not often immediately apparent. Both the harassed person and their coworkers can suffer psychological and emotional harm as a result of being subjected to sexual discrimination on the job. 

Job satisfaction, employee morale, and output are all negatively affected when workers fear for their safety on the job. Claims of sexual discrimination filed with the EEOC can result in thousands of dollars in legal fees and fines. The Equal Employment Opportunity Commission received $165,000,000 from harassing businesses in 2015. Click on the link for more

Why is sexual harassment training necessary? 

It is of paramount importance that workers feel secure in their working environments. It shows that an organization values its workers when it provides sexual harassment training that actually works. In the event of harassment, workers will have greater peace of mind knowing their company has their back.

Employees will be better prepared to handle cases of sex discrimination and harassment if they have received enough training on the topic. Additionally, those whose actions may have crossed the line of sexual harassment but who are now aware of the problem can make adjustments to their conduct before things escalate through training.

Effective training can help to decrease the fear about the implications of reporting infractions. When employees feel safe doing so, they are more likely to report breaches when they occur or are witnessed. Employees who have received comprehensive sexual harassment training will know what to do in the event of a sexual harassment offense.

The training an individual receives on the job can have far-reaching effects on their personal lives as well. Employees who previously either didn’t recognize sexual harassment or were simply too afraid to speak out about it may gain the confidence to report incidents of sexual harassment after receiving training on the topic in the workplace. Click on this page for more. 

Why is it important to provide this type of training? 

Managers have the responsibility of overseeing the operations of a business. The prevention of sexual harassment in the workplace must begin with these leaders, who are admired by their subordinates. 

Managers should expect to hear about instances of sexual harassment from their staff members, and they should act swiftly to stop any harassment they witness. When a charge of harassment is made, it is crucial that managers know what to do and what the rules are.

Managers see examples of different forms of harassment breaches and are shown how to appropriately support an employee who has been the victim of sexual harassment during training. It also equips students with the knowledge and practice they need to respond calmly and competently if an emergency calls for it. 

Whenever an employee reports a violation, for instance, it may be necessary to conduct an investigation, therefore management cannot guarantee complete anonymity. The right people should be consulted if an investigation is deemed necessary. These are the kinds of essential topics that should be covered in sexual harassment training for managers.

So what does sexual harassment training mean for your company? 

Sexual harassment training is required by law in several places including New York and California. In order to operate legally, businesses must be aware of and follow all applicable regulations. Organizations should mandate annual sexual harassment training for all staff regardless of whether such mandates currently exist.

It is less likely that a company will be sued by harassed employees if clear expectations are presented to workers and complaints are handled according to a consistent set of organizational standards. Standardized training establishes what is expected of employees and what happens when those expectations aren’t met.

Employees who have received the required training and who have signed off on the company’s sexual harassment policy have the paperwork they need in the event of a legal claim or a conversation about their performance on the job. If an employee commits sexual harassment, for instance, you’ll have proof they were aware of what constitutes unacceptable behavior thanks to the paperwork you have on file.

Show good behavior

Sexual harassment training emphasizes what you should not do and what is sexual harassment. To create a healthy workplace, it’s helpful to demonstrate acceptable behavior and what staff should do: Respect. Resolve conflicts by talking. Praise others. Accept advice. Communicate respectfully by phone, video, email, or in person. Accept diversity.
