For many small business owners, it simply doesn’t make sense to move the business out of the home. Many can do most of their work from a computer, and others might not have the budget to get a larger space despite needing more room. Being so close to your business all the time may let it leak into other parts of your life, and it can be frustrating to deal with a lack of resources. No matter what company you run from the comfort of your own home, here’s how to thrive while doing it.

Keep It Separate

If you’re not careful, your small business will start to take over your entire home. Important work materials will end up in the kitchen or living room, and even when you want to stop for the day, the constant reminder of your work surrounding you will make it hard to ignore. It will also make it difficult to enjoy other areas of your life if all of the rooms in your home can’t be easily used for non-work activities. If you work primarily from a computer, you may be tempted to get a little more work done after you’ve clocked out. After all, you can bring your laptop to the bedroom while you watch television, right? This sets a dangerous precedent for your work-life balance. If you can get work done from everywhere, you’ll try to get work done from everywhere. 

Stay Current With Shipping

If you have physical products, your home will slowly be taken over by inventory and packing materials as your company grows. If you prioritize getting your orders out quickly, you can try to cut down on clutter and regain the use of your house. If becoming overwhelmed with orders starts to become a habit, you may need to set a sales limit until you can manage to find more space. Don’t forget to update your shipping API to help you keep track of your processes.

Create Rituals

Work and home are typically two separate environments that fulfill different purposes. When you work from home, wires get crossed that make it difficult for you to effectively utilize the space for either purpose. Creating rituals around the habits you want to form for each sector of your life will help you stay on track without getting caught up in unrelated tasks and demands.

Set Boundaries

Whether you live alone or with someone else, it’s a good idea to establish boundaries for your health and the happiness of the people you share your home with. Set a time that you’ll be done working each day unless there’s an urgent reason to continue. After this time, you need to spend time with friends and family or relax and do something you enjoy. It’s also a good idea to draw a line in the sand and promise that your work gear won’t cross. This helps keep your business contained so that it doesn’t consume anyone else’s life when they’re simply trying to use the basement or living room.

Get Outside

When you live and work in the same place, it’s easy to justify staying there. Cutting out the commute to work is great, but you need to set aside some time to get out of the home. New locations are good for brain health and can help you stimulate new ideas. Going out with friends and to fun events can refresh your inspiration so that you’re better at solving problems when you do return to work. Networking is also a great opportunity to get out of the house while still benefiting your business.

Running a small business from home can be convenient, but it can also become cramped and a bit of an enabling force for the overachiever. Whether you’re determined to remain working at home or you’re trying to expand, making some subtle changes can help you better define your space and make it function for you.
