We all are aware of the fact that Zomato has achieved great success with the help of its Data Science team, but let’s learn how they did it. Zomato is one of India’s leading food delivery chains, with an extensive and highly experienced team that works on collecting data and structuring it in a way that helps the business grow. If you are someone who has an interest in this field, then this success story is for you.

The immensely talented Data Science Analytics team at Zomato majorly works on algorithms, like customization of the homepage, listing the algorithms, Personalization for the user, keywords, clickstream funnel and more such areas.

Some key areas where they are involved at an increasing speed are the operational efficiencies, prediction for the delivery time, and delivery of ad, prioritizing supply and logistics optimization. Along with this, the team also engages in NLP, image classification, the importance of aesthetic scoring, menu images and more.

The data-Driven process at Zomato

A team of 150 engineers that include Data Scientists, Analysts and Product Managers work hard and efficiently to drive data from various sources. Since Data Science is an evolving field, it is important to be aware of any new trends or models that may have taken place.

The team works in harmony and coordinates with other teams for smooth functioning, having meetings and deciding solutions with other stakeholders and much more. One thing that is very critical is having meetings with other businesses that are being impacted, as it’s necessary to notice the pros and cons of the services offered.

Machine Learning at Zomato

With the growing smartphone usage and young professionals who love ordering food instead of spending hours cooking it, the market is growing at a robust pace. So, in a rising food tech market where there are so many competitors, how does Zomato lead the way?

Well, the secret is, Zomato uses machine learning by Personalization and using superior features to better the user’s experience of the product. Machine learning also adds efficiency to the operational and commercial verticals on both restaurant listing and ordering food online.

Prioritizing the user is the top need of Zomato, for which they use Artificial Intelligence for business. In the start, the Machine learning team at Zomato focused more on the reviews NLP and image processing, however with time, now product optimization, improving features, Personalization and recommendations are one of the top priorities for Zomato.

How does Zomato use Personalization?

Once Zomato has data points, it will recommend you the restaurants according to the cuisines, locations and price ranges that you have preferred. If you have not selected any of this data, then you receive the recommendations on the basis of what is most popular and new at that time.

Statistics showed that when recommendations were personalized, the orders had an increase as compared to when Zomato had to recommend what is more popular. Engineers in the team also work on structuring data on the famous dishes or cuisines that have been discussed the most, along with the reviews of the restaurants or dishes. This further helps Zomato to personalize and recommend you the go-to food for your cravings!

The tech talks at Zomato

This internet-run company needs a lot of internal tech talks and training to make Zomato a success. The employees who are at the developer level are trusted and have a degree of ownership to resolve any problems that may arise.

This way, they feel more like managers and come up with great ideas and solutions that are needed to solve any problems at hand. This way, the engineering team becomes essential and delivers quality work for the growth of business at a fast rate. Hence, the tech talks with the internal employees are very crucial to Zomato as this helps them grow, empower and create better outcomes.

So with the above information, we have seen that Zomato is achieved heights and a lot of success in the past years. If you are interested in being the person behind such great outcomes, start looking for Data Science Training in Delhi and excel in your career.