
As per the statista here are more than3 million Android apps are available on Google Play Store. If we compare the score with iOS, it is much higher. However, Android is more visible in the market. Several companies and businesses prefer to develop their business app on Android. There is a reason behind it. The reason is that the number of Android app users is increasing day by day.

Android apps are easy to use and user-friendly. Several people find iOS apps and OS difficult. Similarly, I few compare Android devices with iOS, you will see a big difference in them. Android users are more than iOS. It is the main reason behind the market dominancy of Android.Some experts are saying that the coming future Android will lead the market as now. At the same time, they add that other OS will remain low.

Freelancer and the Android app development agency in Alabama or worldwide multiple companies have found this the best opportunity of investing. On the other hand, they think it is the right time to develop an Android app for their business. Therefore, in this post, we’ll study the android app development tools that are widely used in companies.

By using these tools, companies develop more feature-rich and unique apps for businesses.As technology is evolving, developers are using different tools in Android app development.So, let’s discuss some of those tools.

Top Android App Development Tools


It is the most well-known app development tool in the market. The best part of this tool is that it offers the developer a separate codebase. On the other hand, it also provides developer tools that help them to customize the entire development process.Eclipse is mainly used in Java for app coding. It uses plug-ins that are available in the library.Therefore, the new update allows the developers to use multiple writing languages.

It is beneficial for developers and companies. Developers are allowed to code apps in C++, FORTRAN, JavaScript, Ruby, and several other languages can be used. Being a famous Android app development tool, it offers multiple features. These codes are developed in such a way that they help in scaling the codebase for further development or advancement. On the other hand, it also aids in the optimizations of apps. Let’s take a look at this tool’s benefits.


Code Debugging

With the help of the Eclipse debugger feature, developers are allowed to troubleshoot or solve the issues that occur with code. It executes it on every single point to see how factors evolve. This the reason behind it. That’s why it comes under the top android app development tool.It is incredible for checking specific errors in detail. On the other hand, you face a hurdle or difficult situation in explaining something “in modest configuration” to understand better a particular obscure code you’re interested in.

Ever Growing Learning Curve

Eclipse offers you the opportunity to learn new things regularly. This Android development kit either educates people or provides a means for creating code for you in the manner that you require.Moreover, you simply focus and always be aware of where and what you must set up or arrange or click in order to obtain the desired result.

Moreover, experts prefer this Android app development tool because of its benefits. You can find a good developer by noting two things. The first thing is that how he is posing the correct quires ad how he looks for the arrangements. These are the main factors of an effective app developer.

Android Studio

When you are ready to develop an android app and looking for the top android app development tool Android Studio always comes on the top of the list. The reason behind it is that it gained the market’s and developer’s attention. It is the most potent tool among others. It offers multiple and recent tools and plug-ins to the developers. These tools and plug-ins help developers in creating complex apps.

It was made by Google back in 2013. If we compare the popularity of Android Studio among other Android app development tools. Developers prefer it more not only in one country it is famous across the world. Moreover, it allows developers to do multiple things at once. It has a user-friendly interface that enables developers to change codes, troubleshooting, and device testing all at once.This tool is free to download and is backed by Google, as well as an extensive and well-connected network of Android developers.


Powerful Evaluating or Testing Tools 

It provides a wide range of functionality to developers. On the other hand, tools for evaluating Android apps. On the other hand, developers also have JUint 4 and User Interface test systems that help developers.With the help of a test recorder (Espresso), you are allowed to develop user interface code by recording.

You are allowed to do this with the aid of an app on a gadget.It will enable you to run your test on multiple things. You can use a gadget and or an emulator, and you can use test labs.

Powerful (Efficient)& Adaptable

This android app development tool is so much powerful. It can solely develop complex and significant apps with numerous module levels. On the other hand, it offers to produce computerizations, changeable design forms and the last is the dependency on the executives.

You can plan your project to include local and convenient libraries, define construct variations that include different code and assets, and use different code contracting an app marking configurations.

Android Virtual Device (AVD) Manager

It is another type of android app development tool. It allows developers to test their app prototype on multiple devices or computers. On the other hand, you are also entitled to evaluate the android API degree. The best thing is that you can run this test without a device.Moreover, the emulator that developers used in the testing process is similar to original Android devices.

This emulator allows you to simulate incoming calls and messages. In addition, it also allows you to specify the location of a particular device. You can also simulate the network speed and all the other hardware options and settings.You can also use Google Play Store.


Better Executions

AVD constantly provides the benefit of running the emulator on your android development tools and workstation machine, especially when it comes to RAM usage. Using the latest and recent updates, the Android Emulator now allocates RAM on demand rather than giving and sticking memory to the extreme RAM size specified in your AVD.

Compatibility & Support

Starting with the API modules, you can allow an Android Virtual deviceto link with a virtual call and Wi-Fi (Access points). This Android app development tool is the perfect match for every crucial API that incorporate in apps. On the other hand, with the same Wi-Fi and Chrome cast, you can cast screen and sound by using the Google Play module.

Android SDK

The most potent and significant android app development tool. It usesfor developing numerous apps.Android SDK have multiple features. This Android app development tool also allowsdevelopers to code, optimize and test codebase in Android app development. On the other hand, this tool offers developers to create apps as complex as they want.

This tool offers you the best of it. Android SDK have several features that developers require in developing an app. As a result, Android SDK provides a developer guarantee to create complex apps. On the other hand, Android SDK ensures that the process will run smoothlyas per the developer’s expectations. No matter, you develop an app with Java or Kotlin. You will require an SDK. That enables your app to run on any android gadget.


Easinessin Customization

Android is open-source. As a result, SDK allows developers to develop custom and optimize apps free of cost without hassle.On the other hand, it provides the most exciting customization point of interest to advancement in sets, or we can say, groups. It is the reason that android apps are always a mainstream decision, and that’s why several developers go for Android app development.

On the other hand, the operating system facilitatesthe flexible production of Android apps. The purpose of doing this is to coordinate them with multiple media devices easily. As a result, it improves the working of this Android app development tool.

Faster Deployment

Android apps for businesses have a quick development cycle that lasts only a few hours. It gives companies a significant advantage if they want a faster way to promote their fresh idea. The main benefit of this powerful Android development tool is its short time to market.

Unity 3D

Unity 3D is a popular Android app development tool.It is used to create high-definition and high-quality games on the Android platform. It includes a synchronized development environment for developing 2D and 3D games with anticipated illustrations, spectacular format, natural, and interaction drawing.

It’s widely used to make computer games for workplaces, homes, cell phones, and even websites. Moreover, this tool has just been updated. Now it allows the developers to develop cross-platform games.


Professional Editor

Unity3D features an incredibly easy-to-use manager that is a complete package in and of itself. Further, it’s packed with features and which are highly customizable. Among all the various Android development tools, this one stands out. This tool is also grabbing developer’s attention by offering such features to them.

When you use the editorial manager, you can never go wrong with Play Mode, Timeline narrating instruments, Real-time Global Illumination, Advanced memory profiling, Retargetable movements, and other adaptable features that aid you in your game enhancement process.

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Final Notes:

We’ve covered the essential Android app development tools in this guide. These tools will aid you in developing unique and most dynamic apps. Android app development tools also allow you to create several apps. On the other hand, the tool enables developers to build the top app by using impressive features of these tools.

Getting intimate knowledge of these Android app development tools will surely help you in the app development process. You also have to understand their flexibility in developing an app. Several apps are launching in the market and on Google App Store. Now you have explicit knowledge and understanding of the Android app development tools. It’s your call. Now choose the most appropriate one.