Celebrity relationships are often the focus of public attention. They offer glimpses of fairytale love stories set against a background of fame and fortune. Ashlyn and Ali Krieger are two U.S. soccer players affectionately called “Krashlyn”. Like many public stories of romance, theirs has also had its highs and lows. This article explores their relationship from its hopeful beginnings through to its recent, heartbreaking end.

Quick Facts

Meet the U.S. women’s national team2010
Shared a wedding photo of Alex Morgan2015
People confirmed their engagementSeptember 2018 to March 2019
Divorce petition filedSeptember 2023

The Early Days of Friendship on the Field

Their meeting took place in a very powerful setting, that of the U.S. National Women’s Soccer Team in 2010. Ashlyn was a rising star in the soccer world at the time. Their paths crossed in an environment that combined their shared passion for the game. They were instantly connected, which led to many conversations about their dreams, aspirations and shared experiences. The duo gravitated towards each other within the team dynamics and developed a strong friendship. The nature of their occupation demanded discretion and a preference for team spirit. The bond between them attracted attention and earned the nickname “Krashlyn”, which was used by fans and teammates.

From Rumors To Revelations: Growing Intimacy

As the friendship between the two grew, whispers about a deeper connection began to surface. The chemistry that was evident in each photograph and interaction, as well as the numerous social media posts, fueled this speculation. Ali and Ashlyn chose to keep their relationship a secret because of their professional obligations. They wanted to maintain their professional obligations as athletes and ensure that their personal lives did not overshadow sporting achievements. Moments like those captured at Alex Morgan’s 2015 wedding hinted that a romance was developing. The speculations of fans only intensified as the pair remained silent.

The Beautiful confession: Acceptance and Engagement

Between September 2018 and the beginning of March 2019, their story reached a turning point. Ashlyn and Ali were able to overcome their hesitations during this time and confirm their relationship with the world. The romantic story of their engagement, with the picturesque backdrop of Clearwater Beach as a backdrop, was everything a fan could have wanted. Ashlyn’s proposal, hidden within a casual photo, captured the essence and love of their relationship. Declaring their love in public not only confirmed their commitment to one another, but also inspired others to embrace the truth.

The Divorce Announcement: An Unexpected Turn

Everyone hopes that stories will have a happy end, especially when they resonate with the audience. Ashlyn’s and Ali’s divorce announcement in September 2023 was a shock. After nearly four years of happiness together, this couple decided to divorce. Their reasons may only be known between themselves or close family and friends; the end of their love story may not have been what was anticipated – yet it underscores the difficulty associated with maintaining relationships while meeting professional sports demands simultaneously. Ashlyn, Ali and their fans hope that they find peace and happiness as they move into the next chapter.

“Krashlyn’s” story is one of passion on and off of the soccer pitch. While their relationship is a source of inspiration and hope for many, it also demonstrates the unpredictable nature love and life. The journey of Ashlyn and Ali Krieger, with all its ups-and-downs, serves as a poignant example of the transient nature and spirit of personal growth.


  • When were Ashlyn Harris’ and Ali Krieger’s first meetings?
  • In 2010, they met while playing on the U.S. women’s national soccer team.
  • What important event occurred in 2015 that is related to them?
  • Ashlyn posted a picture of Ali and her at Alex Morgan’s wedding. This photo hinted to their relationship.
  • When were they publically confirmed their engagement?
  • In an interview with PEOPLE, they confirmed that their engagement will take place between September 2018 and February 2019.
  • Where did Ashlyn ask Ali to marry her?
  • Ashlyn proposed on Clearwater Beach in a seemingly casual moment of selfie.
  • When did the couple file divorce papers?
  • After almost four years of marriage, they filed for divorce on September 20, 2023.