Yes, any state-licensed doctor can prescribe medical marijuana in Missouri. However, recreational marijuana is prohibited (more on this in a bit). Generally, you need certification for a medical marijuana card.

The good news is you can meet a doctor online and get a recommendation to use medical marijuana in all of Missouri. And before long, you could be smoking a joint legally. Well, not too fast!! Let’s delve deeper into the subject of marijuana use, its legality, eligibility, and why your doctor may frown at the idea of prescribing it.

Why Recreational Marijuana is Prohibited

Missouri is one of many states that have not legalized recreational marijuana. As such, the use, possession, and sale of marijuana are all illegal in the state- although a majority of Missourians support legalization.

For starters, there is growing concern that legalizing marijuana would increase use among young people. Plus, legalizing recreational marijuana could make some people drive under the influence. Other opponents believe that legalization would send the wrong message to children about drug use.

Medical Marijuana

Missouri has a medical marijuana program that is currently being implemented. The state’s Department of Health and Senior Services is responsible for overseeing the program’s implementation. And some doctors are already providing certification for medical marijuana cards.

If you’re ready to jump on the bandwagon, you need to determine whether you qualify. You’ll then get a medical evaluation, upon which you can apply with the state. Provided your physician is licensed to operate in the state, they can provide the assessment. Plus, they need to be supportive of the alternative treatment option. Otherwise, you may need to look for other options, such as the Missouri Green Team.

Eligibility Criteria

To be eligible for a medical marijuana card in Missouri, residents must have a qualifying condition that the state has approved. Qualifying conditions include:

  • Cancer
  • Epilepsy
  • Alzheimer’s
  • Sickle cell anemia
  • Debilitating psychiatric disorders
  • Intractable migraines

You also need to obtain a certification from a doctor stating that they have reviewed your medical records and believe that you would benefit from medical marijuana. Upon obtaining certification, you can apply for a medical marijuana card from the Missouri Department of Health and Senior Services.

If you have a recommendation, fill out your application for a patient ID on the state’s website within 30 days. The approval process takes roughly 30 days as well. Assuming everything goes according to plan, you’ll receive your ID – usually by email, and voila!! You’re ready to place an order for medical marijuana.

Divided Opinion

Some doctors don’t mind helping their patients access medical-grade marijuana. While marijuana has been shown to help relieve some medical conditions, some doctors are skeptical of its efficacy. They point to the lack of clinical evidence and argue that marijuana has not been studied sufficiently to warrant its use as a medicine.

As a result, they may refuse to provide certification for marijuana use. Other clinicians argue that the federal government classifies marijuana as illegal. Some are still on the fence and believe it’s still early days- good luck with this category!

But, a growing body of research is beginning to explore the potential medical benefits of marijuana. In particular, studies have shown that marijuana can help relieve pain and improve the quality of life for patients with chronic conditions. While more research is needed, these findings suggest that marijuana may one day be recognized as a valuable tool in the fight against some of the world’s most debilitating diseases.

Weighing the Risks

Marijuana use poses a fair share of risks. Thus, doctors take into account several risks before certifying a patient for marijuana use. These include:

  • Addiction potential
  • Difficulty learning and retaining information
  • Impaired judgment
  • Lung disease

While some of these risks are present with any drug, marijuana’s effects on the developing brain may be particularly harmful. For this reason, patients must work with their doctor to weigh the potential risks and benefits of marijuana use. Only by taking an individualized approach can patients make the best decision for their health.

Meanwhile, the debate over whether or not complementary and alternative treatments are effective has been ongoing for years. And while the jury is still out, the demand for options such as medical marijuana continues to grow.

Overall, your best bet would be to talk to licensed medical marijuana to streamline the process of acquiring a patient ID. Then, a physician who supports cannabis as a treatment option can prescribe it.