Everyone knows that getting a visa to the USA gets harder with each year. The 2018 statistics show that out of 9.98m applications for tourist visas only 6.81m were approved. The rejection rate is almost 30%. This is why it’s vital to use all the knowledge available to get the longed-for positive response.

Dig Deep and Take the Embassy’s Perspective

Here’s the bare truth: no one can ever guarantee you the approval of any visa to the U.S. There are ads out there promising 100% approval and you should never trust those. These are schemers, whose only goal is to pump out money and leave you with nothing.

There are 2 fundamental methods of improving your chances of getting a U.S. visa:

  1. Dive into the topic and study in detail what documents you need to prepare. As well as where, when, and how to apply. The conditions are pretty easy to remember, you just need to be careful and attentive. Follow the guidelines and it won’t be long before you get your U.S visa.
  2. Try to understand the ways of thinking of consular officers. What aspects attract their attention when processing your documents? Every detail counts and a personal factor can play a pivotal role in obtaining the U.S visa. 

The web is swarming with all kinds of articles that give detailed instructions on how to launch the application process. There’s plenty of information on what documents the candidate will need to receive a positive notice from the consulate. However, not many of them will actually tell you what the embassy is truly looking for when going through your file. 

These are 8 things to be aware of when evaluating your chances:

  1. Criminal History

If you’ve served a sentence in prison or have been put on probation, you probably won’t get the approval for a tourist visa to the USA

Although, it’s not a reason to give up. Check if your criminal record is still in the database and whether the embassy officials can find out about your previous conviction. In most cases it depends on when you were convicted and on the severity of the crime committed. 

Besides, there is always a way to get to the U.S despite all odds. A USA “K” visa for a fiancé or fiancée doesn’t have such limitations.

  1. You Need to Have Strong Ties Back Home

Simply put, you need to convince consular officers that you have no intentions to stay in the USA. For this, provide as many reasons proving that as you can. What qualifies as decent proof?

  • Owned property
  • Elderly parents
  • Young children
  • A spouse (who’s staying in your home country and guarantees your coming back)

The more reasons you provide the embassy with, the better.

  1. Travelling Record

Have you ever been abroad? Excellent! Americans don’t like when their country is the first on your bucket list. Visiting other countries shows that:

  • You are wealthy enough to travel and have the sources to afford the trip to the USA
  • You respect other countries’ rules
  1. Invitation

Do you have any friends in the States? Ask one of them to send you an official invitation. They must be a U.S. citizen or a Green Card holder with a good reputation and excellent credit history. If your partner lives in the U.S. and you plan to get married there, he needs to secure a US Fiancée Visa and other requirements.

  1. Children

In certain circumstances, leaving children behind is a negative factor. Namely, if:

  • You’re divorced
  • Your children don’t live with you
  • You pay child support awards

Consequently, if you leave and decide to stay permanently, your kids will be deprived of care and financing. Here’s why consular officers won’t issue you a visa.

  1. Debts, Credits and Mortgages

Relax, it’s not a reason to deny your application. Unless there are court proceedings in action for recovering bank debts and other official complications.

  1. Social Media

What does it have to do with visas? Consular officers check your personal accounts. Being subscribed to communities that help with finding jobs in the U.S. will severely damage your chances of getting a U.S visa, considering it’s clear evidence that you plan to change your status while in the country.

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  1. Money Opens All Doors

It’s not bribery we are talking about. Just prove that you have sufficient funds to live in the U.S. for the period you’re requesting. 

The minimum amount to have in your bank account is $5,000. 

If you can’t provide evidence you’re capable of covering the whole trip, it’s better to submit a letter from a sponsor along with their bank details and credentials. It can be your close relative or an employer, if you are going for a work trip. 

There are other minor factors that the Embassy might find interesting. Ensure you’ve eliminated all issues prior to applying. Being cautious improves your chances of getting a positive answer.