Undoubtedly, Uber has revolutionized the ride-hailing industry as it transformed the way of taxi booking by taking it online. The success of Uber is tremendous and its primary reason is the ease of availing services and better convenience for the customers.

It was founded by California dropout Travis Kalanick and Garrett Camp in 2009. It is operated in over 70 countries and 416 cities worldwide. There is no doubt that Uber is the pioneer of the taxi booking apps and remains the leader in the ride-hailing industry.

The immense success of Uber has inspired many entrepreneurs to start a taxi business with a mobile app. If you are already in the taxi business or seeking to establish a business, developing a taxi booking app like Uber and entering the ride-hailing industry is one such best niche.

Moreover, Uber Clone is the readily available app solution that lets you start a venture in no time. Let’s discuss the quick steps of developing a taxi booking like Uber on Android & iOS in this blog.

How to Build an Uber Clone App in Android &iOS?

Key steps to consider during Uber Clone app development

Step 1 – Requirement analysis

This is the first stage, irrespective of which business you like to start. First, you have to find your target audience and know their needs. Also, conducting proper market research to know the recent trends helps to bring up successful business ideas.

Meanwhile, you have to find out your competitors’ strategies. This way, you can come to a conclusion of which strategy to follow for making your business stand apart.

Step 2 – Feature-set selection

The functionality of taxi booking apps is simple as it allows the passengers to book a ride with a few taps and they can take the ride on their doorstep. The convenient functionality is directly related to the features that have been added to the app.

Essential features

  • Multiple payment options
  • Ride tracking
  • Fare calculator
  • In-app chat/call
  • Travel history
  • Ride cancellation
  • Schedule for later

Keep in mind that adding features must make a seamless passenger experience. Therefore, it would be noteworthy to include unique features that make your app stand out from the competition.

Step 3 – Technology stack

The technology stack used to develop a taxi app varies based on your requirements like business objectives, app’s functionality, app’s features, and app platform. Technologies involved in the app development process are listed below.

Backend development – Java, Node.js, PHP, Python, Ruby on Rails

Database – Firebase, MySQL, MongoDB

Mobile-based frontend development – Java, Swift for iOS, Kotlin for Android

Web-based frontend development – Angular.JS, React.JS, Ember, Backbone

Cloud servers – Adobe, Amazon Web Services, Google Cloud Platform, Microsoft Azure

Step 4 – Choose the app platform

Next, you have to select the platform to launch the app. Choose it based on your target audience. Popular platforms are Android & iOS. It is your choice to develop and launch the taxi app on Android, iOS, or both.

Step 5 – App design

The appealing user interface is necessary as it allows the passengers to navigate through features. Make your app’s first impression the best to your target audience. This will improve the user base of your app and eliminates the second thought of installing other taxi booking apps.

Step 6 – Monetization strategies

Uber’s business model focuses on bridging the gap between the rider and driver. As it does not own the vehicles, drivers who have registered with the app can make use of the opportunity to get a ride request. You can charge a fee from the passenger and driver. Also, you can consider implementing a surge price revenue model in which you can elevate the fee based on the availability of drivers, demand for taxis, or any occasions.

Step 7 – Resources availability

Before you actually get into developing a taxi app, you have to plan a budget. For that, you have to know about the taxi booking app development. Generally, the cost relies on the following factors.

  • App features
  • App size and complexity
  • Technology stack
  • App platform
  • The geographical location of the app developer/company

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Step 8 – App development

Instead of developing a taxi app from scratch, it will be better to invest in the Uber Clone app development as it is both budget-friendly and less time-consuming.

You can get in touch with a suitable mobile app development company and get a personalized app upon customization according to your business requirements.

As Uber Clone is a white-label taxi app solution, you can modify the app even after the launch. Once the design, development, and testing phase get over, your app is ready to launch on Android & iOS.

Final say

The ride-hailing industry’s net worth is expected to reach $318,765 million, with an annual growth rate of 14.8% by 2023. Hence, the opportunity for new players in this sector is huge as the demand for taxi booking apps has skyrocketed. So yes, it’s your turn to set foot into the ride-hailing industry with the Uber Clone app.