Did you know that there are over 600,000 businesses created in the United States each year? As you might guess, however, not all of these companies have what it takes to thrive.

One of the most important obligations you have as an entrepreneur is developing a digital marketing strategy. By extension, this also means that you need to understand how to get backlinks to your website content.

Not all backlinks are created equal, though, and quality backlinks can seem difficult to find at first. Take a look at what to look for in a content website for backlinks.

Is It Relevant to Your Niche?

As you might guess, this is one of the most important factors in determining whether a content site is worth your time is relevance. After all, you’re trying to get backlinks from websites that discuss topics related to your business.

If you have a site about gardening, for example, it wouldn’t make much sense to get backlinks from a website about cooking. Not only will such a link be less valuable to Google, but it will also be much harder for your target audience to find. This will cause you to get less out of your investment.

The Website’s Domain Authority

Domain authority is a metric used to determine how well a website is likely to rank on search engine results pages. In general, you want to get backlinks from websites with high domain authority scores.

The higher the score, the more valuable the link will be. A solid domain authority score would be at least 20.

However, you should aim for 70+. You can check the domain authority of any site using a tool like Moz’s Open Site Explorer. You can also check out this resource for useful link research tools to help you get started on the right track.

The Website’s PageRank

PageRank is a metric used to determine the importance of a given web page. The higher the PageRank, the more valuable the link will be. You can check the PageRank of any page using a tool like Google’s PageSpeed Insights.

This metric is no longer as important as it once was due to the rise of other factors, but it’s still worth considering.

The Website’s Link Profile

The link profile of a given website is the number and quality of links pointing to that site. In general, you want to get backlinks from websites with high link profiles. The higher the link profile, the more valuable the link will be.

When it comes to getting backlinks, quality is more important than quantity. In other words, you’re better off with a few high-quality backlinks than a bunch of low-quality ones.

The Keywords the Content Website Ranks for

The keywords a given content website ranks for can give you some insight into the quality of that site. You should always aim to get backlinks from websites that use keywords that are relevant to your business.

Otherwise, people who reach your site in this manner might not be interested in the content that you publish. This could cause them to immediately leave your site, something that lets Google know your content is either low-quality or irrelevant. As a result, Google could then lower your ranking.

Geographical Location

The geographical location of the website can also be important. It’s essential to target websites that are relevant to the geographic location of your audience. This is simply due to the fact that visitors to these sites are likely to understand local terms, know about local businesses, and speak the same languages.

This is a mistake that many newer small businesses make, so do your best to avoid it.

Content Structure

The structure of a site’s content is essential to consider. It’s also crucial to get backlinks from websites with well-structured content.

The site’s articles should be easy to read and understand. They should also be properly formatted and free of errors. If a website’s content is poorly structured, it will be difficult for people to read and understand.

As a result, they’re less likely to stay on the site for an extended period of time, which could cause fewer people to make it to your website through backlinks.

Frequency of Updates

You should only get backlinks from a website that is frequently updated.

Google favors websites that are constantly adding new content. If a website hasn’t been updated in a while, it’s likely that the backlink will be less valuable. Ideally, the website should be updated multiple times per day.

The Website’s Design

The design of a given website can also affect the value of its backlinks. It’s essential to get backlinks from websites with a clean and modern design. The site should be easy to navigate and free of errors.

If a website’s design is dated or difficult to use, a fewer number of people will take the time to navigate through that site’s content. In turn, this makes backlinks from this website less valuable.

Finding the Right Content Website Is Easier Than It Seems

Although it might seem overwhelming at first, finding the right content website for your company’s backlinks is a relatively straightforward process. As long as you keep the above guidelines in mind, you shouldn’t encounter any issues when moving forward.

Looking for other useful info that can help improve your business? Be sure to check out the rest of our blog for articles like this one.