Did you know that it’s important to vary your exercise routine every six weeks if you want to optimize muscle gains? 

It can be difficult to know what are the best techniques to embrace for building muscle. If you choose to develop a muscle growth plan that is not effective, you are going to waste lots of valuable time. 

This is why it is such a good idea to know about the most recent muscle growth tips and tricks. We’ve written a guide to help you out. Keep reading to find out more. 

The Basics of Bulking Up 

When you think about what it means to bulk up, you might imagine a person in a stringer tank top who is lifting dumbells. But the truth is that bulking up is more about adding lean muscle over time. 

The goal of bulking up is not to increase body weight. It is true that your weight on the scale will increase when you add muscle to your body. But if you also put on extra fat, you are not going to look any better in the mirror. 

It is easy to talk about adding quality muscle but it is more difficult to do. Not only will you need to change your habits in the weight room, but you will also need to pay attention to what kinds of food you are consuming. 

Here are a few guidelines to effectively start adding lean muscle. 

Increase Your Calories 

You are not going to be able to bulk up if you don’t increase your calorie intake. Those who increase how many calories they’re consuming will gain weight faster.

Try to consume between 300 and 500 additional calories per day. Some people will need to consume more than this and some will need to consume less. 

If you are new to weight lifting, don’t make the mistake of thinking that you will add muscle right away. And don’t expect to add more than half of a pound to a pound of new muscle in your first month. 

Pay Attention to Macro Factors 

Not all types of calories will help you to increase muscle.

Even though experts have not changed their recommendations for protein intake for many decades, more people are starting to agree that it’s easier to build muscle if you increase your intake of dietary protein. 

You’ll also need to start consuming more carbohydrates. Those who consume plenty of carbs will improve their resistance training performance and will have more energy when they are working out. 

The most calorically-dense macronutrient is dietary fat. It has nine calories per gram. 

How to Train for Muscle Gains 

Once you’ve figured out what types of calories and micronutrients are best to consume, you’ll need to shift your focus to training and physical fitness. If you don’t have the right workout plan, it will be difficult to bulk up. 

Here are some things to be aware of if you want to get the most out of the time that you spend in the gym and if you want to put the calories that you consume to good use. 

Be Objective and Focus on the Details

You should wake up every morning by remembering your intention to build muscle. This is an important thing to do for those who have the tendency to get lost in the details and forget about the bigger picture. 

You won’t need to make shifts to your program if you are trying to develop your abs and your situp numbers are going up.

Even though it is good to try to perfect your technique, it’s also important to focus your energy on aspects of your workout where you are not getting the muscle gains that you want. 

Develop a Strategy for Cardio Training 

Lots of people think that cardio training and weight training are not compatible. This is why it’s so common for people in the fitness industry to avoid doing things such as bicycling, running, and swimming. 

Though research supports the idea that cardio training can interfere with weight training gains, this is only true for certain types of cardio training that are more intense. 

Cut back on running and circuit training if you want to build muscle quickly. But keep in mind that cardio training can also help you to shorten the time you’ll need for recovery between weight training sessions. 

Choose a low-impact cardio training activity to perform such as bicycling or swimming. And try not to do more than two sessions per week if you are not interested in increasing your calorie consumption. 

Less Is More

In most cases, you will add more muscle if you push your body to do more work in the gym. But there are exceptions to this rule. 

Everybody has a different tolerance for lifting weights. If you are trying to add extra weight but are struggling to keep up with your current training load, it will become harder for you to build muscle. 

You should instead focus on doing intense compound exercises, shortening your rest times, and adding on specialized techniques such as cluster work. 

Prioritize Recovery 

Once you’re in the midst of a bulking season, you start feeling like you are unstoppable in the gym. 

But it is essential that you understand the importance of rest and recovery. You will increase your muscle gains if you care for your body after your workouts are over. 

In most situations, skeletal muscles need two or three days to be ready for another round of weight training. You might need more time than this to recover if you are over forty. 

Therefore, make sure to take at least two days per week. If you choose to do a cardio workout when you are taking a break from the weight room, choose an activity that is not intense. 

It’s also possible to do active recovery and mobility exercises on your off days. This will increase the likelihood that your next session will be better than the previous one. 

Muscle Health: Top Bodybuilding Supplements 

It takes a lot of hard work to get the physique that you dream of having. You also need to get used to lifting heavy weights. You can increase muscle gains by adding bulking supplements to your diet. 

Here are some of the best kinds of supplements for muscle growth. 

Before You Workout 

The best pre-workout supplements will increase your energy levels at the gym so that you can make the best from every set. The most popular pre-workout supplement is caffeine. 

There are lots of businesses that fill their products with compounds that do not actually improve your performance. But many scientific studies show that caffeine can increase strength and power if you take it prior to working out. 

Creatine Monohydrate 

Many of the world’s top performers use creatine monohydrate when they want to gain muscle. This is why it is a staple ingredient in most supplement stacks. Not only is it safe to use, but it is also effective. 

No matter how much meat you eat, you’re probably not getting enough creatine if you want to increase muscle mass. This is because it becomes denatured when you expose it to heat. 

The best way to consume creatine is by using it as a powder. Don’t worry about consuming extra spoonfuls of creatine monohydrate over a short time period. You’ll see the greatest benefits of creatine when you focus on consistency.   

Protein Powders 

You should consume protein powders if you don’t like the idea of having heaping portions of food at every meal. Keep in mind that most of your macronutrient intake should come from whole foods. 

Make sure that you are getting enough fiber and other essential micronutrients. You should not try to replace your diet by taking supplements. 

SARMs: Cutting Edge Performance-Enhancers 

SARMs are similar to steroids. They both bind to the human body’s androgen receptors and can help muscles grow. But steroids impact many different parts of the body, which can cause unintended side effects such as hair loss.

On the other hand, SARMs are tissue-selective. You can use them to target specific muscles. Instead of injecting them, you can take them as pills. 

If you want to find out more about SARMs for sale, check out the Chemyo website. 

Mass Gainers 

Only use mass gainers if you are sure that you need them. Even though they are loaded with calories, they don’t have any special characteristics that make them indispensable. 

You should think about using a mass gainer if you are struggling to gain muscle and if you do not want to add another meal to your daily plan. 


You are not going to notice when multivitamins are working correctly in your body. But you might notice if your body is lacking essential vitamins and micronutrients. 

Those who are bulking up occasionally need to eat when they are not hungry. This can be difficult for those who prefer to eat foods and vegetables, even though it’s okay to get some of your calories from junk food.

Consider taking multivitamins if you are worried that your imperfect diet will negatively impact your health. 

Muscle Building Mistakes to Avoid 

There are a lot of things you need to do correctly if you want to follow a successful muscle-building protocol. There are also many things that you can do incorrectly. 

Here are some of the most common mistakes that you should avoid making.

Going Above Your Calorie Target 

People often struggle to not exceed their calorie targets. It might not feel like it’s an issue to eat an extra serving of pie after dinner since your goal is to gain weight. 

But you might add undesired body fat if you are too relaxed with your calorie targets. This is why you should treat your bulking calories as seriously as you would a diet for losing weight. 

Eating Large Meals that Are Loaded with Carbohydrates

Most people will have no problem with eating a huge plate of food after they’ve finished a lengthy diet.

But you might start losing your appetite once it becomes a habit for you to consume huge amounts of calories at every meal.

It can be especially difficult to eat calorie-dense meals if you are used to eating healthy vegetables and fruits that are loaded with fiber. These kinds of foods will make you feel full but they don’t tend to have very many calories. 

Instead of eating huge meals, try to eat smaller meals more frequently. You can increase your calorie intake by adding more toppings and condiments to your meals. 

Building Muscle for Too Long 

If you drastically increase your calorie intake for an extended time period, you run the risk of increasing your insulin resistance. This could negatively impact how much muscle you gain over time. 

Therefore, it’s possible that your bulking phase will be less effective if you choose to extend it over a long period of time. Try not to have bulking seasons that last more than several months at a time. 

Make Use of the Top Muscle Growth Tips and Tricks 

If you are trying to figure out what it takes to increase your muscle growth, keep in mind that it is essential to increase your calorie intake. You can plan your calorie diet with the help of some online meal planning softwares. These types of softwares help you plan your diet to reach your goal weight and healthy nutrition.

You also need to let your body recover. Consider taking body-building supplements if you want to increase your gains. 

If you are interested in finding out more about how to improve your physical health, don’t forget to visit the Health section of our website.