When it comes to choosing a career, there are many things to take into consideration. You need to earn the right amount of money, of course, and what that sum is will depend on how you live your life and what responsibilities you have. You’ll also need to enjoy your work because you’ll spend so much time doing it. If you hate what you do, then that will reflect in other areas of your life and make you unhappy. 

It can also be fantastic to have a truly rewarding career. 

The good news is that although it might seem as though there is nothing that will tick all these boxes, the fact is that nursing is certainly a viable option for some people. Read on to find out why it’s so rewarding so you can decide if it’s right for you. 

Nurses Improve People’s Lives 

At its very core, nursing is about improving people’s lives. No matter why someone is in hospital, they will need care and attention. They will want someone to be empathetic. They will also need specific help when it comes to recoveries, such as wound care and medication. A nurse can offer all of this and much more. They will help someone in their most vulnerable and scared state and ensure that they feel better. 

Nurses, whether helping in a physical way or an emotional one, can make all the difference. For a scared patient, a nurse being there to talk to them, listen to them, and essentially hold their hand – sometimes literally – through the process does improve their lives, and even if the improvement is only small, it’s a positive thing to happen. 

There Is Plenty of Career Progression 

If you are an ambitious type of person, you might initially not consider a career in nursing. Surely once you are a nurse, that’s it. There’s nowhere else to go. This is far from the truth. Nursing is the kind of career that offers a huge amount of progression in many different directions. You can work in a specific department, with certain groups of people, or you can rise through the ranks and become a leader in nursing, as well as much more. 

The prevalence of online courses means that if you want to become a family nurse practitioner, for example, you can apply to take an online MSN-FNP program and study while you work. Another option is to become a nurse educator by getting your degree online from https://academicpartnerships.uta.edu/healthcare-nursing-online-programs/msn/education/. In this way, you can still gain experience and not fall behind while you also learn more so you can move ahead when you’re ready to. 

Nursing Offers Challenges 

A life without challenges isn’t all that interesting. It’s the same thing every day. For some, this is ideal. A simple life with routines in place is just what they’re looking for. However, if you want more and you are looking for a career that will challenge you every day, nursing is a great choice. 

With nursing, no two days are ever the same, even if you work in what might be termed a ‘quiet’ department. You never know what you will be called upon to do or who you might meet. There will also be decisions to make and obstacles to overcome. This makes nursing hugely exciting but also very rewarding; you can leave at the end of any shift knowing you have done a good job. 
