What is liver cancer?

Liver cancer treatment is a highly complex and individualized process. There are many different types of liver cancer, and each type requires a different approach to treatment. The best way to ensure that you receive the most effective liver cancer treatment is to work closely with your doctor and make sure that all of your questions are answered.

Text sign showing Cancer Therapy. Business photo showcasing the treatment of cancer in a patient often with chemotherapy Laboratory technician featuring empty sticker paper accessories smartphone

How is liver cancer treated?

Liver cancer is a type of cancer that starts in the cells of your liver. Your liver is a football-sized organ located in the upper right side of your abdomen, beneath your ribs.The best liver cancer treatment options will vary depending on the stage of the disease, the overall health of the patient, and the specific circumstances of the case.

The most common type of liver cancer is hepatocellular carcinoma, which begins in the main type of liver cell (hepatocyte). Liver cancer is also sometimes called primary liver cancer or hepatoma.

A small number of other types of cancer can start in the liver, but these are much less common. These include: cholangiocarcinoma (cancer of the bile ducts), angiosarcoma (cancer that starts in blood vessels), and hepatoblastoma (a rare type of cancer that affects young children).

Liver cancer can be difficult to detect in its early stages because it doesn’t usually cause any symptoms. As the disease progresses, it may cause pain or swelling in your abdomen, yellowing of your skin and eyes (jaundice), weight loss, appetite loss, nausea, and fatigue.

What are the side effects of liver cancer treatment?

Liver cancer is a serious disease that can be difficult to treat. There are a number of different treatment options available, but each comes with its own potential side effects.

Surgery is often the first line of treatment for liver cancer, but it can come with a number of risks and side effects. These can include bleeding, infection, and problems with the bile ducts. There is also a risk that the cancer could spread during surgery.

Radiation therapy is another option for treating liver cancer, but it can also cause side effects like fatigue, diarrhea, and nausea. It can also damage healthy tissue and increase the risk of other cancers developing later on.

Chemotherapy is another common treatment option, but it comes with its own set of potential side effects. These can include hair loss, mouth sores, fatigue, and an increased risk of infection. Chemotherapy can also cause organ damage, so it’s important to be aware of all the risks before starting treatment.

Liver cancer treatments can be difficult and come with a number of potential side effects. It’s important to talk to your doctor about all your options and make sure you understand the risks involved before starting any treatment plan.

How can I prevent liver cancer?

Liver cancer is one of the most common cancers in the world. In the United States, it is the fifth most common cancer in men and the seventh most common cancer in women. The American Cancer Society’s estimates for liver cancer in the United States for 2019 are:

-About 42,220 new cases of primary liver cancer (36,120 in men and 6,100 in women)

-About 29,200 deaths from primary liver cancer (24,550 in men and 4,650 in women)

The good news is that there are steps you can take to help prevent liver cancer. Here are some suggestions:

Don’t drink alcohol excessively. Alcohol abuse is a major risk factor for developing liver cancer. If you drink alcohol, do so only in moderation. The National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism defines moderate drinking as up to 1 drink per day for women and up to 2 drinks per day for men.

Don’t smoke tobacco. Smoking tobacco is another major risk factor for developing liver cancer. If you smoke tobacco, quitting smoking will greatly reduce your risk of developing this disease. 

Get vaccinated against hepatitis B virus (HBV). HBV infection is a leading cause of liver cancer.