Have a blast this year by increasing your business revenue multifold. With the hard year, we have all experienced we all owe ourselves some fun and consumers this while, are all excited to have the biggest celebrations of the year. As businessmen, this may be the time to take some profits and other motives might be in place but just selling won’t work this year. An added gesture is what will make you stand out. Firstly because lockdown has motivated or forced many people to work against all odds and end up opening business hence there is a wide rise in a competition that none could have guessed otherwise.

Secondly, all this competition and input of online marketing has made many more successful while practices that worked in olden times have seen to lose all meaning. With today’s article, we will help you cherish your business by using some gestures and out of the box campaign ideas that will make you stand out, build an emotional connection with the crowd and sell more than expected. With the coming festivals in line, small things like online rakhi delivery and chocolate boxes might also change all the game and with the below-written techniques, you might be able to tip the scales in your direction. 

  • Build an emotional appeal

Connect emotionally with your audience. Don’t have to make it look like you are about them but do it genuinely and you will find more people attached to you. Advertise yourself in such a way that people feel bound to listen to what you want to say. In times like these, investing a little in online ads might pay off and you should not restrain. As per research online ads have generated revenues for brands in lockdown. 

  • Online ads 

Invest in online ads, take the help of agencies that have an edge and know about it. Invest in amounts that you find comfortable with and that you think you can make again with your products. Advertise on online platforms that you find fit for your target audience. Use proper timings to keep track of what your audience will like. 

  • Online customer service 

During the lockdown, people have switched to online silver rakhi buying and customer service. In times like these if you are waiting for people to come to your shop you might be making a mistake. Hence be available online, take payments online, and take orders on phone calls too. It might be a little burden to you but it will also be more rewarding. 

  • Working with trends 

Whatever online trends are new in a place you should use them on your channel too. Using trendy voices and mixing up with the target audience pays off. It also brings you to the notice of the people by coming in their feed. Use such trends to coincide with your brand and that will work out the best for you. 

  • Use of hashtag 

Use hashtags to promote yourself on your channel and you will come to the notice of people. It is a renowned strategy and very beneficial. It brings you to peoples notice and at the end of the day that is what you want. 

  • Coupons and sales online 

Keeping your margins in place, try creating coupons and online sales to boost your liking and to get more audience. People tend to not fall for it for prices but the craving for a contest or competition is satisfactory for the audience.  
