Email marketing is a boon for Ecommerce businesses worldwide since it gives them access to a wider customer base. This open window allows businesses to sell their products and services worldwide and increase revenue. However, effective email marketing ensures continuity in income flow and repeat business. What are the best approaches for email marketing for ecommerce agencies? Let us take a look.

Ensure only to send high-quality emails 

Email marketing is straightforward to deploy in a B2C business setting because emails secure B2C goals by marketing new items, providing discounts, or informing clients about new offers or promotions.

In comparison, products and services sold in the B2B setting are more specific and highly specialised. Hence, to improve the success rate of B2B transactions, this is what ecommerce agencies can do:

  • Pushing promotions and trying to cross-sell or upsell your products is great. However, what your clients seek in your offerings are the value returns.
  • More than just trying to sell your products and services, educate your clientele about how your product and service enriches and upgrades their work process; inform them about what problems you can solve for them and why they need you.

Educative marketing emails contain information for your clients to learn about your offerings, more than just trying to push a sale. These emails could include topics related to:

  • Insider tips of the industry.
  • Brainstorming ideas.
  • Insights.
  • Case studies.
  • Informative how-to articles.
  • Tips on how to organise better.

Test the emails before they are sent out

There are no hard and fast rules regarding the best time to send emails in a B2B environment. Each of your clients will have their preferences on when they would be open to receiving marketing emails. There is no right or wrong way to go about this. As an Ecommerce agency, initially, all you can do is an experiment.

Whether you send marketing emails manually or automatically through software, testing the emails will help you better understand each of your clients’ availability.

Personalise the emails

Whether you are dealing with a B2B or a B2B setting, consider personalising your emails. Every top email marketing agency is successful today, as personalising their marketing emails is one of the first initiatives they act on when trying to engage with prospective buyers. When you send personalized emails, the clientele feels that you are truly invested in them for who they are, rather than just milking them for their money.

If you have a large client base, you may also consider segmenting your audience. Sending an email that connects with the receiver deeper is the objective. Personalised emails show your audience that you care about their interest in your business and urge them to build stronger bonds with you.

Consider using a drip email marketing strategy to cater to specific audiences. Drip marketing is just delivering a limited number of marketing emails to your audiences based on their actions on your website. This way, by pre-defining email communication, you will be able to push your clients through the sales funnel more effectively.

Create effective landing pages

If you grasp the foundations of email marketing, you will most likely include a link that sends readers to a page on your website in all of your emails. Many marketers mistake continually sending email subscribers to their homepage, which is not the correct approach.

Instead, create specialised landing pages that correspond to the material mentioned in your email instead of directing email readers to your site. These pages should provide more information and links to other sites on the site.

The aim is to convert your readers, and the more engrossed they are in your site, the more likely they are to convert.

Email optimisation

Ecommerce agencies must understand that the majority, if not the entire list of the email recipients, prefer to access their emails via portable devices such as smartphones, tablets, laptops, etc. As a result, ecommerce agencies must ensure that their emails are perfectly optimised to suit portable devices.

A good email marketing agency ensures that the text, images, and other interactive media are placed perfectly so that the recipients can browse the content at ease.


Email marketing is one of the best methods e-commerce agencies can employ to cater to many B2B clients. If it is done properly, it is possible to receive higher yields while keeping costs minimal. By improving your approach through these practices, you will achieve a higher conversion rate and generate higher revenues.