Did you know the average American supports over four charities, and 69% of all Americans donate to charities?

If you’re thinking of hosting a charity event, you might be thinking about having a raffle to raise extra money. But have you ever considered holding a reverse raffle?

If you’re asking the question, “what is a reverse raffle?” then you’ve come to the right place! Keep reading this reverse raffle guide to learn everything you need to know!

What Is a Reverse Raffle?

With a reverse raffle, the prize goes to the last ticket drawn instead of the first. 

Because someone has to draw every single raffle ticket to reach a winner, this type of raffle builds anticipation and is a great way to make your fundraiser a success.

You can also decide how many winners you want. Organizations that hold reverse raffles often give small gifts to the last nine tickets drawn, and the grand prize goes to the person who has the final ticket.

Some helpful tips for holding a reverse raffle at your event include:

Decide on the Prizes

You can’t have a reverse raffle without prizes, so this is the most important step. Be sure to consider the theme of your raffle. Doing this will help you decide how valuable you would like the grand prize to be.

Your next step is to ask for donations from past donors and local businesses in your community. 

If you’re paying for the prizes, you’ll need to decide on a budget before buying anything. For the reverse raffle to succeed, you’ll need to choose items you know will be popular with the attendees. 

You can consider popular prize ideas, such as:

  • Spa day
  • Sports memorabilia
  • Technology gadgets
  • Weekend getaway
  • Tickets to a popular sports game or concert

Plan the Event Details

Once your prizes are in order, you’ll need to schedule a date and time and find a location to hold your event. 

Be sure you have enough volunteers at the event to run the raffle drawing. Try to find a well-known person to serve as the emcee and announce ticket numbers for added effect.

If you cannot plan an event, you could consider using raffle websites to hold your fundraiser online.

Get the Raffle Tickets

It’s essential to get familiar with the laws and regulations in your state. Some states only allow you to give away tickets for free, but you can ask for a donation.

If you can sell your raffle tickets, make sure you price them according to:

  • The cost of your raffle prizes
  • The total number of tickets you’re selling
  • Your overall fundraising goals
  • Total event expenses

You’ll also need to decide if you want to use an online platform to create digital tickets or sell paper tickets.

Remember, the secret to a successful reverse raffle is to limit how many raffle tickets you sell; otherwise, your event will take too long, and guests will become bored.

When you hold the drawing, make it fun by playing games or asking trivia questions.

Use a Reverse Raffle for Your Fundraiser

Now that you know the answer to the question, “what is a reverse raffle?” you can start planning your reverse raffle fundraising event today.

Remember to get creative and think outside the box. Reverse raffles can be a lot of fun and make fundraising events something special to remember.

If you enjoyed these reverse raffle tips, then check out the rest of our blog for business, health, and technology tips that will improve your life!