Solar shingles offer a unique way of incorporating solar power into your home. And as more people embrace alternative energy, solar shingles are becoming increasingly popular. But with so many options on the market, it can be hard to know what you’re getting when you choose solar shingles. This article will provide you with an overview of solar shingles and how to get the most out of them. Get it now and start enjoying the benefits of solar power.

Before diving in, let’s start with a quick definition.

What Are Solar Shingles?

Solar shingles are photovoltaic (PV) cells that have been integrated into a shingle-like material. When exposed to sunlight, the solar cells convert the light into electricity that can then be used in your home or stored in batteries for later use.

In essence, Solar shingles fall in the class of building-integrated photovoltaics, which are photovoltaics that is either used as an element in the architectural design of a building or are an integral part of the building materials.

Since their introduction in 2005, solar shingles have become a popular way to install renewable energy systems. So,

How Do Solar Shingles Work?

As mentioned earlier, solar shingles’ working principle is similar to other PV systems. They capture solar energy using photovoltaic cells, which are then channeled into a direct current (DC) that is converted into an alternating current (AC) for use in the home.

Features Of Solar Shingles

Now that you have the basics down, let’s talk about what makes solar shingles unique.


One of the main differences between solar shingles and traditional PV systems lies in the size of their modules. Solar shingles have smaller modules, with the average module size being around 12 in x 86 in (300mm x 2180mm), while traditional PV panels are typically larger. This smaller size also means they relatively weigh less at around  13 pounds per square foot.


To make solar shingles or solar roof more competitive, most companies now use monocrystalline silicon (mono-Si) photovoltaic cells to make the modules more efficient at converting sunlight into energy. The conversion efficiency rates of 15-20%, make them an attractive option.

Solar shingles are also made from copper indium gallium selenide cells, or CIGS, which are capable of an efficiency rate of 10-12%. This material gives the cells extra flexibility and durability, making them suitable for a variety of climates.

Power Output

At the size mentioned above, solar shingles have the capacity to generate between 50 to 115 watts of power. And on average a typical solar shingles cluster for a residential set-up will incorporate 350 shingles.

Pros & Cons

Having looked at the features of solar shingles, let’s now look at some of their advantages and disadvantages to help you decide if they are the right choice for you.


Aesthetically Pleasing

Solar shingles have a low profile and sleek design that allows them to blend in seamlessly with the roof’s existing tiles. This makes them an attractive choice for homeowners seeking to maintain a uniform look, without compromising on energy efficiency. However, their metallic look may not blend well on a traditional clay tile roof.

Highly Durable

With a 20-30 years warranty period, solar shingles are highly durable and resistant to extreme weather conditions. In addition, they can withstand the impact of fallen debris better than traditional PV panels.

Easier To Maintain

With fewer surfaces that can accumulate dirt or debris, solar shingles are far easier to clean and maintain than traditional PV panels.


High Installation Costs

Solar shingles are comparably more expensive than standard panels and require a longer installation time due to the labor intensity of each individual shingle. This translates into higher installation costs for homeowners. A solar panel will cost about $3.0 per watt to install, whereas a solar shingle will cost about $3.8 per watt.

Limited In Colors And Style

Since solar shingles are a relatively newer technology, they are only available in a few select colors, such as black and gray. This may not be ideal for homeowners who want to customize their roof’s look.

Solar shingles offer many advantages over traditional PV panels. They are aesthetically pleasing, highly durable and require less maintenance. However, they also come with certain drawbacks such as higher installation costs and limited color options. If you are looking for a reliable renewable energy system that has the added benefit of adding value to your home’s look, then solar shingles may be worth considering. Get it now and start harnessing the sun’s free energy.