Matt Ulrich’s football prowess may not be making headlines anymore, but his legacy continues to live on. Ulrich was a person of strength on and off the football field. His journey from professional athlete, to family-centric, individual, was one of passion and dedication.

What Was Matt Ulrich like?

Matthew James Ulrich is a man of unwavering determination and remarkable achievements. His athletic ability first brought him fame, as he played for the Indianapolis Colts in Super Bowl XLI and contributed to their victory. His leadership skills were best demonstrated in his role as Northwestern Wildcats captain. Additionally, his collegiate athletic endeavors showcased exceptional strength-and-conditioning, setting him up well for professional athletic endeavors as well as later entry into fitness industry ventures.

What is Matt Ulrich’s wife?

Alison Ulrich was the woman who stood behind Matt Ulrich. They had a relationship of mutual love and support, which was kept out of the spotlight to preserve its purity. Alison’s touching tribute to Matt, posted on social media following his death, revealed their deep bond and shared life of memories.

Matt Ulrich Children

Ulrich was an enormous man. Gunther Dalton Bowden and Thoreau were his four sons. Matt and Alison moved to Bozeman in Montana to create a nurturing, enriching environment for the children. They emphasized family values, hard work and personal integrity.

Matt Ulrich Net Worth

Matt Ulrich’s estimated net wealth at the time he died – estimated at approximately $1 million – is impressive but pales in comparison to his wealth of character. The net worth of Matt Ulrich only reflects a part of his achievements. It merely reflects how ambitious and determined he was in both business and athletic pursuits. His true legacy is rooted in strength, generosity, and a commitment to bettering the futures of generations yet to be born.

Matt Ulrich’s life is a testament to the transformational power of love, dedication and resilience. His legacy is multidimensional, rooted in the values he embodied and spanning from NFL fame to his family. We can find inspiration when we look back at his life – his career, his family, his community contributions, and his indelible impact on history. His memory is a guide to those who strive to live lives with meaning and impact.


  1. What is the wife of Matt Ulrich?
    Matt Ulrich married Alison Ulrich. They shared a loving, supportive and private relationship.
  2. Matt Ulrich has children?
    Matt Ulrich did indeed have four sons, Gunther Dalton Bowden and Thoreau.
  3. Matt Ulrich lived with his family in?
    Matt Ulrich, his wife and their family lived in Bozeman Montana where they emphasized a family-centered lifestyle.
  4. How has Matt Ulrich’s family dealt with his death?
    Matt Ulrich’s family has honored his memory, particularly his wife Alison. They have done so with love and fond memories.
  5. What was Matt Ulrich’s family life philosophy?
    Matt Ulrich put his family first, and he strived to be an devoted husband and father.