Are you using landing pages to improve your online conversion rates? If you’re wondering, “What is a landing page?”keep reading. Landing pages can help marketers improve the conversion rates of every online campaign that they run. 

To improve your website traffic while generating quality leads, learn more about landing page copy, visuals, navigation, and more with this guide. Boost your online presence with this useful tool today. 

What Is a Landing Page? 

A landing page refers to a webpage that potential leads will land on after clicking an online advertisement such as a PPC ad, a banner ad, or a paid search ad. Essential, any link that directs users to an area of your site may be a landing page. Making the most of your landing pages can either make or break the likelihood that leads engage with your site and take the action you intended. 

Post-Link Landing Pages 

A post-link landing page is a standalone web page that is not connected to your website navigation. This type of landing page will serve one distinct purpose. For example, you may want to create a separate post-link landing page if you are encouraging leads to download, buy, or sign up for something. 

Post-link landing pages can be a great way to drive conversions as they make things focused and easy for your leads. Rather than leading users to the homepage of your website where they will need to search for what they were looking for, you are able to present them with exactly what they need. This level of simplicity and convenience is a great way to encourage conversions and get the results your organization needs. Also, read about Local Digital Business.

Creating Successful Landing Pages 

Creating unique landing pages for every campaign or promotion is a great way to ensure that leads are not directed to a generic page of your website. Instead, they are able to access a web page that is focused and meets the user’s expectations. You want to match the marketing message that you used in your ad to your landing page to assure leads that they are at the right place. 

To make sure that you are meeting user expectations, you want to ensure that you prioritize consistency. You want your brand logo, images, and landing page copy to all match the content used in the ad that drove the lead to this page. This will allow your leads to feel that they can trust the landing page and make the call to action you have intended.  

To learn more about how to create successful landing page content such as anchor texts and more, head to the link. 

Landing Pages: A Brief Guide 

Now that you know the answer to “What is a landing page?” you can find ways to make this digital marketing tool work for your company’s online presence. Boost lead generation and conversion rates this year by making effective landing pages for your company. 

Are you looking for more marketing tips? If so, head to the “Business” section of our website today to learn more. 
